As a trusted partner, Flutter team choose First Facility Bulgaria for execution of а project, part of its corporate program for future development of company office spaces.
Our team provided successfully architecture works, HVAC, lighting, delivery and installation of multimedia for Flutter’s new multifunctional hall Goldlinе.
The project is complex due to its specificity in architectural solutions.
The main challenge is that two existing conference rooms and a connecting corridor merged into one large hall with an amphitheater layout with a hundred seats. Аpart from that, this project includes supply, installation and full setup of a multimedia wall with nine monitors, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting and painting of walls and ceilings. All activities ware provided during the working hours of the offices, without hindering and interruption of the normal work of the employees.
Thanks to the teamwork, precise planning and execution Goldlinе hall took the final appearance, according to the expectations from the very beginning with a full coherence with Flutter office solutions – modern, agile, and flexible.